Sunday, September 7, 2008

US Open Final and Lessons Learned

The US Open Final just finished. Serena saved America from humiliation. There are lot of lessons that players of all levels can take from the open. From Serena, everyone can learn that you have to take risks. Serena always goes for the lines. Serena produces shots at extreme angles and hits the ball with an exceptional amount of pace. While not everyone (practically no one) can produce shots of this quality, people should still try to go for shots even if they are in tight situations. Serena continually strived for her best shots even if she was down. Serena spanked her best shots even when she was down 3 set points in the second set. Bottom line, don't let being down 0-40 stop you from killing the ball.

From Jankovic, the main lesson that we can learn is to stay focused even if we are up by three set points. In addition, we shouldn't watch our shots. We should expect the ball to come back. Also- we should look forward. Jankovic spent a considerable amoutn of time watching herself on tv. Despite Jankovic blowing 3 set points ( we've all done it), she did teach us that playing good defense in combination with lethal shots can semi-destroy our opponent. In addition, Jankovic shows us that we need to lob while on defense.

As for the awards ceremony- here's some interesting thoughts. Both players mentioned injuries. typical. All of over tennis clubs laments of injury are echoed. Serena- you won- why did you need to mention your injuries? In addition- Jankovic- where on Long Island di you go? Flushing is in Queens! I guess you won't win the geography grand slam.

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