Sunday, March 20, 2016

combatting the oh-so- tough lobbers

I was working with a senior, intermediate player. He regaled me with stories about how he gets lobbed all the time. He, of course, sought me out for help on how to hit a ball that is lobbed behind him, after it bounces. He admits he’s not the quickest guy (actually he berates himself by calling himself grandpa). I gave him the following pointers to make it more likely that he will make it to the ball before it bounces twice (gulp). First, I instructed him to move on the balls of his feet and not move flat-footed, he shouldn’t let his feet touch each other. I also told him to move sideways so that he can see the ball better. In addition, I told him to take the racquet back as he was running backwards to save himself time. What do you all think?  We’ll see if it helps him combat those ever-so irritating lobbers.

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