Sunday, February 3, 2008

Faux engagement ring

Faux engagement ring. I thought she was wearing an engagement ring. I groaned inwardly. Was every young-in tying the knot? Then I congratulated her. She then informed me that it was sapphire ring. A beauty ring. An aesthetic ring. She reassured me that many people mistakenly thought she was engaged. She realized that it was probably not the best move for her to wear the ring out. That would repel the men. She said maybe that is the reason why my love life is so dull. I said that maybe some guys would be more attracted to her. But then, what kind of jerks are they if they beckon an engaged women? It is strange because one time I was in a setting where everyone was engaged and I thought of buying a faux engagement ring. One that resembled hers. Just to fit in. I guess the same mistake can help or hurt you

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