Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I love tables

“I love tables.”A child remarked to me. I thought about it. Why would anyone love tables? There is nothing exceptional about tables. Tables are a dumping ground for us. We are able to place whatever we can’t hold in our own hands on tables. Tables create a space for what we are unprepared to deal with at the present moment. Tables are a place we can store our problems, our unresolved issues, our bills. Tables are also a connector. A connector of people. A device that enables meetings, dinners, lunches, breakfasts, classes, and all. If we didn’t have tables minds wouldn’t connect. Jokes wouldn’t be told. Recipes wouldn’t be consumed. Forks, knifes, spoons, and plates wouldn’t be needed. Our elbows would be sore from a lack of rest. And we wouldn’t be able to use our elbows for sports, for driving or for elbowing people who are in the wrong. So come to think of it tables are essential. And beneficial. And we should give an ode to tables every now and again.

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